Our poster

We are happy to present you this year poster created by Grzegorz Otulakowski. The artist was born and raised in Koszalin. He graduated from College of Art in Koszalin and later studied painting at School of Fine Arts in Poznań. This year's poster is the fifth one created by Grzegorz Otulakowski. This is how he describes his work on the poster:

This year I wanted to show how some people react when they see a person with disability. Usually we feel uneasy and avoid eye contact. We also do not know how to start a conversation. However, every meeting creates some kind of interpersonal energy and it is only up to us and our maturity and sensitivity what we will do with it.

When designing the poster I used vivid colors in raw image to highlight that disability is a big challenge but it can also be the source of everyday joys.”

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