Photo Confrontations 2019 with a positive message



Similarly to last year’s edition, photographers invited to participate in the project have visited their models in Szczecin – Mariusz Król, Chełmno – Wojciech Szwej and Kielce – Stanisław Składanowski.


– Our task was to interpret artistically the Festival’s leitmotif Work. Life. Scenario for Everyone so we decided to photograph our models during their workday - Wojciech Szwej, the coordinator of photo confrontations explains. The result of the work are 18 photos.Their characters will appear in Koszalin during the Festival.

Our models this year are:

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Paulina Woźniak – a silver medalist of Paralympic Games in Beijing 2008 and a bronze medallist in swimming from 2012, London. She is a champion and a record holder of Poland in breaststroke, butterfly stroke and individual medley style. She is a graduate of Academy of Art in Szczecin, she is a personal trainer and a motivational speaker. Photographer: Mariusz Król


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Marzena Bartosz: a make-up artist working at photo sessions, a board member of Jedyna Taka Foundation which changes an image of people with disabilities. Photographer: Wojciech Szwej


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Bartek Ostałowski: a sportsperson, drifter, the only professional driver in the world driving with his feet. Photographer: Stanisław Składanowski

– Photo confrontations have a very positive dimension this year -Wojciech Szwej stresses. - -They show people with disabilities who not only deal with their professional careers really well but also they are successful in this field. They are open, passionate, optimistic, aware of their abilities and talents. They show that it’s possible to take life in your hands.

The opening of the exhibition: 3rd September 5 p.m., Festival’s Centre.