Film contest jury


film director Petro Aleksowski

Petro Aleksowski – he was born in Gdańsk. He graduated from artistic photography in High School of Visual Arts in Gdynia, later from TV production in Lodz Film School and film production at University of Silesia. To his most important feature films made as a cameraman belong: 'Hi, Tereska', 'Świnki', 'Śmierć sierżanta Karosa'. As an author of documentaries he has created, e.g.: 'Dżem', 'Maryla', 'Dzieci Jarocina', 'Macedończyk' and 'Aborted Mission'.

In 2015 he debuted as a director of a feature film 'Meetings on Elbe'. For his film 'Hi, Tereska' he was nominated in the best photography category to Eagles 2001 awards. At Gdańsk Docfilm Festival he received a nomination to Indie Films Award for his film 'Macedończyk' and an Audience Award for his film 'Aborted Mission'. This document telling the story of was veterans of a mission in Afghanistan has been awarded at seven festivals, it has received 5 main awards and 2 audience awards. One of them is Butterfly 2018 in the best documentary category during the 15th EFF Integration You and Me.