Film contest jury


Małgorzata Sobieszczańska is a graduate of theatre studies in Warsaw and Screenwriting College in Lodz Film School. She is an author of a scenario to a feature film 'Zgoda' /Agreement/ by Maciej Sobieszczański for which she received the 3rd award in Script Pro contest and an award at War and Historical Film Festival 'Walkirie filmowe'. She is a co-author of a scenario to a feature film 'Anioł i pies' /Angel and Dog/ which was short-listed to the final of Hartley-Merril contest. In 2018 she got a scenario scholarship of Polish Film Institute for a scenario to 'Przegryziemy wam gardła' by Bartosz Konopka.

She is an author of scenarios to TV series, e.g. 'Egzamin z życia', 'Tancerze', 'Druga Szansa', radio plays, e.g. 'Ostatni akt', 'Motel w pół drogi', 'Milena', and books, e.g. 'Z ostatniej chwili', 'Kilka dni lata' and 'Drugi koniec świata'. She has acted in a film titled 'Córki Dancingu' by Agnieszka Smoczyńska (Mewa). She has run trainings and workshops e.g. Sztuka Wyboru (organisers: Tumult Foundation and Voivodeship Police Force in Bydgoszcz and Marshal’s Office in Toruń), at a film camp of Film High School, in Roma Gąsiorowska’s School, in Sztuka Pisania and in Czuły Barbarzyńca. Between 2013 and 2019 she was a member of a selection committee at Script Pro scenario contest.

At present film 'Miasto' by Marcin Sauter whose co-author of the scenario is Małgorzata Sobieszczańska is being produced.