Superlodołamacz 2018 – Super Ice-Breaker distinction 2018


A great success of our Festival!

On 27th September at an Ice-Breaker 2018 gala in the Royal Castle in Warsaw we received a distinction in a Super Ice-Breaker category!
The organiser of Ice-Breakers contest is Fundacja Aktywizacji Zawodowej Osób Niepełnosprawnych /Vocational Development of the Disabled Foundation/ founded by Polska Organizacja Pracodawców Osób Niepełnosprawnych /Polish Organisation of the Employers of the Disabled/. The aim of the contest is to distinguish everybody who break prejudices, do not cease to even chances of people with disabilities, enable them access to education, work, social activity. This year the best, the most determined and engaged individuals and organisations have been honoured for the 13th time.
Among the laureates of this year’s edition there are companies from different parts of Poland. In a Sheltered Workshop Category an Ice-Breaker statuette went to Zaklad Aktywnosci Zawodowej /Vocational Development Centre/ by Puławskie Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zdrowia Psychicznego /Puławy Mental Health Protection Association/. In an Open Labour Market Category the award went to Motomax, Torun. In an Institution Category the statuette went to Elbląskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Humanitarnej im. św. Łazarza „Lazarus“ from Elblag /Saint Lazarus Elblag Humanitarian Help Association/.


A statuette in a Friendly Space Category went to the Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library from Katowice. In a Healthy Company Category the first award went to Wodociągi Siemianowickie /Siemianowice Waterworks/ Aqua-Sprint from Siemianowice Śląskie. A Journalist without Barriers became Maciej Dowbor, an author of ‘Super Ludzie’ /Super People/ documentary presenting people with disabilities.


Among these institutions and individuals there is also European Film Festival Integration You and Me. The event received a distinction in a Super Ice-Breaker Category. Butterfly Model Agency became a laureate.


'We owe the success of the Festival to a wide range of communities - both people and institutions, grant providers and sponsors who enable its development. I would like to thank them for fulfilling the idea of European Film Festival Integration You and Me together with us. I dedicate this award to the organisers of Small Festivals, art houses and local cinemas which have cooperated with us in 50 places in our country. This is our common award. We would like to thank the jury of the Contest for our distinction’ said the director of Integration You and Me Festival Barbara Jaroszyk.


The event in the Royal Palace was held by Krzysztof Ibisz. The gala also contained an artistic part during which the audience saw a performance of Mazowsze, a talented pianist Grzegorz Płonka and a moving singer Renata Przemyk.


'The laureates of this special contest are awarded for their determination, steadfastness and proving that the working disabled people are as good workers as the able-bodied' said the first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda.


A full list of the awarded institutions and individuals can be found here:


European Film Festival INTEGRATION YOU AND ME has been organised for the 15th time this year. Its main aim is integration of people with disabilities with a society through the presentation of films about people with disabilities, their problems and lives. Apart from this, there are organised meetings, workshops, concerts and exhibitions. This year the screenings of Festival films were organised in 17 Polish towns and cities. The event was named ‘2 Days with EFF Integration You and Me’.