EFF Integration You and Me in European Parliament in Brussels

We are happy to announce that our Festival will be presented in the European Parliament in Brussels for the 5th time. For the fourth time we will be MEP Marek Plura's guests. We sincerely thank for the invitation!


On 6th December 2017, the review of festival's films will acompany the 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities (EPPD).

The programme of the review includes:

"Just, go!" by Pavels Gumennikovs, Latvia 2017

"Luis, Luis" by José Carlos Castaño, Spain 2015

"Illusionist's Visions" by Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo - Heimonen, Finland 2016

"An Elephant on the Moon" by Benjamin Barthélémy, France 2016.

We sincerely invite all participants of 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities (EPPD) to sum up the day with our film review!