India. With love and laughter. A slide show from Piotr and Aneta Bielscy's excursion.

India has been tempting to the travellers from the whole world due to its spirituality. However, I know that this is not the entire truth concerning India because we can find there examples of the pursuit of money which is much more crazy than in Poland. You can find there the greatest peace in the world and the greatest turmoil as well as order in chaos and chaos in order.

After having travelled to India for a few years, I come to the conclusion that I would be able to find evidence showing that India is clean and dirty, friendly and dangerous while combining incredible spontaneity of an open heart and bureaucratic immutability. Therefore, I no longer formulate opinions on India but share my experience of travelling throughout the country. I used to ask myself a question: why do I come back all the time? My new book is an attempt to provide an answer written with love and laughter.

I'd like to invite everybody to Koszalin, let's talk about India, travelling and about the things which trigger us to travel to the unknown. I'd like to keep the audience amused with beautiful Indian slides from our trips and true stories written by life.

During the meeting it will be possible to purchase Piotr's books in special premiere prices.

Piotr Bielski – laughter yoga pioneer in Poland, a sociologist, traveller author of 'Joga śmiechu. Droga do radości' /Laughter Yoga. Path to Happiness/ and 'Indie z miłością i śmiechem. Przewodnik subiektywny' /India with Love and Laughter. Subjective Guidebook./, an organiser of excursions to India, a happy husband of Aneta and father of Rozalia; more: and fb: Jogin Śmiechu