The Socio-Cultural Society of Koszalin - the NGO 2016 Leader!

lider ngo

On 7th October 2016, on the Koszalin Non-governmental Organisation Day Koszalin, the Socio-Cultural Society of Koszalin received the Koszalin NGO 2016 Leader title for 12th European Film Festival Integration You and Me in 2015.

The aim of the Koszalin Non-govermental Organisation Day is to stress the role of the non-governmental organisations in building civil society and their work for the inhabitants of Koszalin and the development of local community. The idea behind the day is to appreciate and distinguish the organisations and to raise Koszalin inhabitants' awareness concerning their charter activities.

The Koszalin NGO Leader 2015 contest was organised by City Hall in Koszalin, its producer was Pracownia Pozarządowa. The jury members among whom were the representatives of the Public Beneft Works Communal Council of Koszalin had evaluated 15 application forms. As a result, they distributed 8 acknowledgements, 6 distinctions and 1 main award. The statuette was received by Dariusz Pawlikowski, the President of the Socio-Cultural Society of Koszalin, the Vice-President Barbara Bielińska-Jaroszyk and the Secretary Piotr Andrzej Bochenek.

On behalf of all members and supporters of Koszalin Social-Cultural Association as well as producers and friends of European Film Festival Integration You and Me we would like to say THANK YOU!