We know the titles of the contest films

In the film contest of the 13th EFF Integration You and Me we will see 38 films: seven feature films, twenty three documentaries and eight amateur films. The contest whose award is Butterfly 2016 has gathered films from Poland, the USA, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Holland and Australia.



Bla, bla, bla by Alexis Morante, Spain 2015, 4 minutes

Dobrze mi idzie (I Do Well To Remember) by Cesar Roldan, Spain 2014, 8 minutes

Królowa Śniegu i inne historie (The Snow Queen and Other Stories) by Monika Grzybowska, Poland 2016, 30 minutes

Marzenie. Prawdziwa historia(The Dream. The Real Story) by Artur Dziurman, Poland 2016, 78 minutes

Nena, by Saskia Diesing, Holland/Germany 2014, 94 minutes

Opiekun (Chronic) by Michel Franco, the USA 2015, 93 minutes

Zanim się pojawiłeś (Me Before You) by Thea Sharrock, the USA 2016, 110 minutes



Aniocentryczni (Around Ania) by Monika Skrzypczak, Poland 2016, 10 minutes

Baśka, kameruj! (Baśka, Film It!) by Gabriela Mruszczak, Poland 2016, 23 minutes

Bracia (Brothers) by Szymon Jan Sinoff, Poland 2015, 11 minutes

Budzik (Out of The Blue) by Piotr Małecki, Poland 2015, 33 minutes

Cheerleaderki (Cheerleaders) by Sławomir Witek, Poland 2015, 40 minutes

Dla Soni (To Sonia) by Sergio Milán, Spain 2015, 8 minutes

Dobra dziewczyna (Good Girl), by Solveig S. Melkeraaen, Norway 2014, 72 minutes

Dziennik Idy (Ida's Diary) by August B. Hanssen, Norway 2014, 63 minutes

Idealny dzień (One Perfect Day) by Pete White, Australia 2015, 7 minutes

Inny świat (Another World) by Izabela Szukalska, Poland 2016, 11 minutes

Jak kuloodporni (Becoming Bulletproof) by Michael Barnett, the USA 2014, 80 minutes

Kanthari: u źródeł zmian (Kanthari: Change From Within) by Marijn Poels, Holland/Poland 2015, 52 minutes

Kuloodporni (The Game Changers) by Izolda Czmok-Nowak, Poland 2016, 16 minutes

Malując w ciemności (Ata, Painting Black) by Primavera Ruiz, Spain 2015, 70 minutes

Michał (Michael) by Piotr Januszkiewicz, Poland 2015, 6 minutes

Skracając dystans (Bridging Gaps) by Álvaro Pastor, Spain 2014, 56 min

Studium postaci (Figure Study) by Rafał Makolądra, Poland 2015, 21 minutes

To co możliwe (That Which Is Possible) by Michael Gitlin, the USA 2015, 84 minutes

Wariacja na wiolonczelę solo (Right Side of Cello) by Aleksandra Rek, Poland 2016, 37 minutes

Wstawaj i walcz (Stand Up and Fight) by Weronika Pliszka, Poland 2016, 30 minutes

Wytrwały Meia (Resilience) by Ricardo Koanuka, Sweden 2016, 27 minutes

Wyślę wam kartkę (I'll Send You a Postcard) by Anna Duda-Ziętek, Poland 2014, 54 minutes

Yes, We Fuck! by Antonio Centeno, Raúl de la Morena, Spain 2015, 59 minutes



Jestem (I Am) by Paweł Mikołajczyk, OREW Chorzów, 2 minutes

Kolorki (Colours) by Magdalena Szymula,Danuta Wróblewska, Nowa Wieś Legnicka, 2 minutes

Konie moją pasją (Horses – My Passion) by Waldemar Handzlewicz, WTZ, Sulęcin 2016, 10 minutes

Efekt mniejszości (Minority Effect) by Cesar Most Perez, the USA 2016, 5minutes

Moje piękne Azory (My Beautiful Azores) by Maciej Książko, Środowiskowy Dom Samopomocy Caritas, Kraków 2016 , 5 minutes

Senne nutki(Sleepy Notes) by Natalia Kloc, Helena Świątek, Legnica, 3 minutes

Siłacz (Strong Man) by Mateusz Żegliński, Szczecin 2015, 4 minutes

Tajemnice oceanu (Ocean’s Mysteries) by Anna Radecka, WTZ, Rzadkowo 2016, 5 minutes