Integration Film Academy in Air Force Training Centre

Filmowa Akademia Integracji

Thanks to captain Jarosław Barczewki's initiative there was organised the ninth Integration Film Academy in Air Force Training Centre in Koszalin. 200 people attended the screening of 'Born on the Fourth of July' by Oliver Stone – the students of the centre and special guests among whom were e.g. Tomasz Kloc, the president of The Injured in Missions Abroad Association, Włodzimierz Wysocki, the secretary of the board of the aforementioned association, Wiesława Panaszewska, the director of Corretional Facility in Koszalin and Grzegorz Funke, the head of Cuture Board by Koszalin President. The moderator od the discussion following the screening was Piotr Szarszeski PhD, a media specialist from Humanistic Department at Koszalin University of Technology.