Small Festivals „You and Me” in Lithuania

Mały Festiwal Ty i Ja w Siaulai, Litwa.

“We are very glad that the event took place. We do believe that every person who gets more tolerant, makes a little step for the whole society, thus, every single person counts and our mission has been accomplished.”

We watched the films and after each of them, Erasmus students as well as mentors were encouraged to share their own thoughts and impressions on that. There were notices about our misleading attitudes towards disabled people, that we sometimes and totally unnecessarily underestimate them, although, we should not do that definitely. Also, we stated that nowadays we must listen to each other more frequently and more attentively as it is an important part of our lives which may lead to a better understanding and communication. Actually, serious contents of the movies caused everyone to reconsider their attitude towards life, made everyone listen intensely and understand that everything is indeed possible. Therefore, we came to a conclusion that we need to have hope and seek and chase for our dreams at any stage of our lives. Finally, we all understood and learned from the protagonists that all the time we need to keep moving, no matter what happens.