Verdict of the 12. European Film Festival ‘Integration You and Me’ Koszalin 2015

Jury members: Ryszard Bugajski – chairman, Bodo Kox, Monika Kuszyńska, Mariusz Trzeciakiewicz

After watching movies of the 12th European Film Festival 'Integration You and Me' in categories: feature film (8 films), documentary film (21 films) and amateur film (7 films), the Jury unanimously decided as follows:

Jury Special Award in the documentary film category for 'Casa Blanca' directed by Aleksandra Maciuszek (Poland)

Jury Special Award in the amateur film category for 'Ogrodowy straszny rycerz' ('Fearsome Garden Knight’) directed by DPS Legnickie Pole (Poland)

Motyl 2015 for the best amateur film to 'Nasza rozmowa' ('Our Conversation') directed by Mieczysław Krzel (Poland)

Motyl 2015 for the best documentary film to 'The Queen of Silence' directed by Agnieszka Zwiefka (Poland)

Motyl 2015 for the best feature film to 'Ghadi' directed by Amin Dora (Lebanon)

Audience award to the documentary film 'It's Not the End of the Road' directed by Robert Czyżewicz, Jarosław Frankowski and Sebastian Korczak (Poland)