List of films of the 19th European Film Festival INTEGRATION ME AND YOU


Antybohater (No Hero at All), reż. Michał Kawecki
Antybohater (No Hero at All), reż. Michał Kawecki, Polska 2021, 77 min. (D)

Plot: Mishka is a boy of many faces – a petty criminal and a promising alpine skier who enjoys life to its fullest despite his physical disability and difficult living conditions. He is captured at a key moment when he enters adulthood and receives the last opportunity to take part in the Paralympics.

Blisko ziemi (Down to Earth), reż. Paulina Sikora
Blisko ziemi (Down to Earth), reż. Paulina Sikora, Polska 2020, 29 min. (D)

Plot: The documentary tells the story of a codependent relationship between Małgorzata and Mariusz, who is an alcohol addict. The presented relationship is far from perfect. However, despite this, it is also full of unexpected examples of care and subtle gestures of love.

Daida wraca do oceanu (Daida Back to the Ocean), reż. Pablo Ramírez Bolaños
Daida wraca do oceanu (Daida Back to the Ocean), reż. Pablo Ramírez Bolaños, Hiszpania 2022, 24 min. (D)

Plot: Daida Ruano Moreno, an 18-time-World Champion, tells her fight against her most difficult rival: cancer that almost took away not only her life, but her most personal and intimate dream...

Druga strona (The Other Side), reż. Jakub Zalewski
Druga strona (The Other Side), reż. Jakub Zalewski, Polska 2021, 13 min. (D)

Plot: Marcin is a big hearted person with a large amount of life energy. His biggest dream is a career in an e-sport world and he does everything to develop himself in what he really loves. On the other side of the screen life is different. There are moments of joy and happiness, but also sadness and loneliness. This is a story about huge passion and fear concerning the future.

Hardcore, reż Adán Aliaga
Hardcore, reż Adán Aliaga, Hiszpania 2022, 22 min. (D)

Plot: ‘Pass me a joint’, says Rafa to his mother. The man has been bedridden for over 15 years, which has not stopped him from skydiving, making music or watching pornography. Rafa seems to be doing very well despite his paralysis, but chronic pain is increasingly getting to him.

Jeszcze zdążę (The Time Busters), reż. Aleksandra Kutz
Jeszcze zdążę (The Time Busters), reż. Aleksandra Kutz, Polska 2020, 61 min. (D)

Plot: Anna, Urszula, Hanna, Krzysztof, Genowefa and Józef are all patients of the Puck Hospice.
This story contains remorse, anger, fear, but also relief, and a surprising experience of finding the true freedom within.

Jutro czeka nas długi dzień (Long Day Tomorrow), reż. Paweł Wysoczański
Jutro czeka nas długi dzień (Long Day Tomorrow), reż. Paweł Wysoczański, Polska 2020, 80 min. (D)

Plot: There is an educational and treatment center for lepers and their families in Jeevodaya. It was here that, thirty years ago, Helena Pyz came from Poland to help sick and hungry children. Over the years, she feels her weakness more and more clearly, but her strength of character prevents her from giving up to her own illness.

Mat, reż. Nasim Soheili
Mat, reż. Nasim Soheili, Iran 2021, 20 min. (D)

Plot: A blind girl has cleaned the environment alone. She wants to create a culture and encourage people not to dump garbage and collect it.

Między szkłem i ścianami (In Between Glass and Walls), reż. Razan Hassan
Między szkłem i ścianami (In Between Glass and Walls), reż. Razan Hassan, Holandia 2022, 15 min. (D)

Plot: Anne can’t accept her own child Felix, who was born with Down syndrome. Anne tries to process her struggle through making theater with Sara, a 32-year-old woman with Down syndrome. Will it be possible for Anne to connect with her motherhood through her encounters with Sara?

Mrugaj, mrugaj mała gwiazdko (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star) reż. Sujit Kumar Jha
Mrugaj, mrugaj mała gwiazdko (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star) reż. Sujit Kumar Jha, Indie 2021, 35 min. (D)

Plot: 4 feet 1 inch tall, Ranjit is an actor with a dwarf theatre group in Assam, India and wants to make it big in Bollywood one day. After years of discrimination as a clown in circus, Ranjit finds a voice through theater to fight his destiny and social injustice.

Na wstrzymanym oddechu (Holding Your Breath), reż. Katarzyna Sikorska
Na wstrzymanym oddechu (Holding Your Breath), reż. Katarzyna Sikorska, Polska 2021, 14 min. (D)

Plot: Wojtek is an S11 class swimmer, a Paralympic silver medalist, and European and World Champion. He was meant to be the first blind freediver in Poland. However, the pandemic prevents him from finishing his course in single breath diving and competing in the Olympics and other championships. This makes him reconsider his career in sports.

Nocą spaceruję (At Night I Walk), reż. Helena Malak
Nocą spaceruję (At Night I Walk), reż. Helena Malak, Francja 2021, 30 min. (D)

Plot: Everything starts from an encounter between Helena and Françoise. There are about forty years and a wheelchair separating them. However, it appears it doesn't matter. In a cinematographic walk, they ask themselves how falling leads them to a different life.

Opowiem ci o twoim ojcu (I’ll Tell You about Your Father), reż. Daniele Gangemi
Opowiem ci o twoim ojcu (I’ll Tell You about Your Father), reż. Daniele Gangemi, Włochy 2022, 22 min. (D)

Plot: An "old glory" of Italian TV from the 1980s, during a sea journey between the waves of the Mediterranean and the curves of memory, tries to talk about himself to his severely autistic son Emanuele, hoping that one day he will understand his words, his story, his choices, his hopes and his dreams.

Pisklaki (Fledglings), reż. Lidia Duda
Pisklaki (Fledglings), reż. Lidia Duda, Polska 2022, 84 min. (D)

Plot: An original trio of young characters – imaginative Zosia, sensitive Oskar and independent Kinga – have to enter adulthood earlier than their peers. They take the viewer on a journey to the world of children’s compassion, artistic expression, sense of humour and force of character. The world in which friendship, love and closeness to another person is like oxygen, which carries them through the hardest moments.

Ściany życia (Walls of Life), reż. Zoran Djordjević
Ściany życia (Walls of Life), reż. Zoran Djordjević, Brazylia 2021, 15 min. (D)

Plot: Fragments of Marcos Santos’ life, an artist who was born with cerebral palsy. His hands are disabled due to several articulation issues, which make him use his left foot to create artistic masterpieces and teach the children from his poor and stigmatised neighbourhood, Campos dos Alemães, how to paint and bring art to the grey walls of the streets.


Bonsai (The Bonsai), reż. Dipa Basnet, Anil Rimal
Bonsai (The Bonsai), reż. Dipa Basnet, Anil Rimal, Nepal 2020, 18 min. (F)

Plot: The Bonsai is a story of a 15-year-old girl who struggles with her perplexed state of mind due to the behaviour portrayed by the society. This leads her to wonder about the creations of nature and keeps searching for the answer. This film shows the comparison between human psychology with other elements in nature and their struggle for survival.

Dla Horacio (To Horacio), reż. Melissa De la Vega
Dla Horacio (To Horacio), reż. Melissa De la Vega, Hiszpania 2021, 14 min. (F)

Plot: An old man receives an unexpected visit from a young woman who gives him gifts without the sender's signature..

Drybling (Dribble), reż. Ali Lavarimonfared, Nazafarin Hassanpour
Drybling (Dribble), reż. Ali Lavarimonfared, Nazafarin Hassanpour, Iran 2021, 15 min. (F)

Plot: Passion in soccer causes affection between brothers.

Dzieci i ryby (Out of Water), reż. Gracjana Piechula
Dzieci i ryby (Out of Water), reż. Gracjana Piechula, Polska 2022, 14 min. (F)

Plot: Zosia is a 13-year-old CODA – a hearing child of deaf adults. Together with her dad she sets off to fight for her dream swimming competition, in which due to her father's oversight she is not allowed to participate. Along the way, they encounter complications that put Zosia in the role of an interpreter and intermediary between her deaf father and the rest of the world. Having a voice starts to be not only a privilege for the girl, but also a burden.

Emilia, reż. Cristina Guillen
Emilia, reż. Cristina Guillen, Hiszpania 2020, 15 min. (F)

Plot: Emilia and her granddaughter Silvia have a very special bond. This relationship will be truncated with the appearance of the first symptoms of Alzheimer's.

Gdy byłeś młody, chodziłeś, gdzie chciałeś (When you were young you walked where you wanted), reż. Olga Bejm
Gdy byłeś młody, chodziłeś, gdzie chciałeś (When you were young you walked where you wanted), reż. Olga Bejm, Polska 2020, 8 min. (F)

Plot: A young girl working in a nursing home connects with one of the apathetic patients. Her superior does not approve of that. The film is an intimate, universal story about a need for understanding and connection between generations.

Kolejna biała dziewczyna (Another White Girl), reż. Medessè Agohoundjè
Kolejna biała dziewczyna (Another White Girl), reż. Medessè Agohoundjè, Benin 2021, 13 min. (F)

Plot: Sètchémè is a young albino girl. She feels alone and wonders who she is. But her friend Mélanie leads her to smile, dream and think about love. She grows in the soul, accepts herself and meets a new friend.

Mar, reż. Milorad Milatovi
Mar, reż. Milorad Milatović, Czarnogóra 2022, 22 min. (F)

Plot: During an epidemic, a young couple use their day off to take Mar on a day trip to a canyon. Mar is the girl's elder sister with ASD. Along the way, they try to process the emotional situation they find themselves in. As their world collapses pressed by external influences and internal crises, Mar with them exists as a separate world. Her world is clean and horrible at the same time because it is unknown...

Pukaj 3 razy (Knock 3 Times), reż. Klaudija Matvejevaitė
Pukaj 3 razy (Knock 3 Times), reż. Klaudija Matvejevaitė, Litwa 2021, 14 min. (F)

Plot: A young blind priest serves his first week in an old city church undergoing restoration. While the priest is getting familiar with the church space and its visitors, they also need to get accustomed to the new priest.

Stagnant, reż. Konrad Kultys
Stagnant, reż. Konrad Kultys, Polska 2021, 18.min. (F)

Plot: Tough skinhead Adam ignores his disability and tries to dominate his loved ones. A decision of his caring brother to change jobs pushes Adam to reconsider his situation and face his own limitations.

Wielki facet (Big Guy), reż. Hicham Harrag
Wielki facet (Big Guy), reż. Hicham Harrag, Samir Harrag, Francja 2020, 20 min. (F)

Plot: Brahim is the sole caretaker for Mehdi, his 10-year-older-brother. Mehdi, wounded at war, is now handicapped, forcing his brother Brahim to take on heavy responsibilities. Between habits, chores and his job as a delivery man to make ends meet, Brahim is exhausted and faced with a major dilemma.

W stronę morza (To the Sea), reż. Lin, Po-Yu
W stronę morza (To the Sea), reż. Lin, Po-Yu, Tajwan 2021, 25 min. (F) w obliczu

Plot: An elderly mother who spends her life taking care of her intellectually-disabled son finally reaches her breaking point and decides to take her son on one last ride, towards the sea and towards the end of their lives.

Wyzwanie (Curlstorm), reż. Merle Thelen
Wyzwanie (Curlstorm), reż. Merle Thelen, Niemcy 2021, 29 min. (F)

Plot: When an event tears us out of our lives, we often find refuge in things that give us safety. This is how the pensioner Ernst Hudeki, "paralyzed" by the sudden death of his wife and trapped in monotony and neurotic habits, has found his safe place. Driven by the fear of not being able to say
goodbye to his loved ones, he spends all his hours writing down farewell words. But sometimes a way out opens up exactly where we least expect it.


Bajka o gęsim jaju, Raku Nieboraku, Kogucie Piejaku, Kaczce Kwaczce, Kocie Mruczku i o Psie Kruczku ( The Fairy Tale about the Goose Egg, Crayfish Nieborak, Cock Piejak, Duck Kwaczka, Cat Mruczek and the Dog Kruczek), reż. Weronika Żurowska
Bajka o gęsim jaju, Raku Nieboraku, Kogucie Piejaku, Kaczce Kwaczce, Kocie Mruczku i o Psie Kruczku ( The Fairy Tale about the Goose Egg, Crayfish Nieborak, Cock Piejak, Duck Kwaczka, Cat Mruczek and the Dog Kruczek), reż. Weronika Żurowska, Polska 2022, 5 min. (A)

Plot: The egg does not like to get stuck in order to get a place, it sets off on a journey, during which it gets new friends. Together they are a good team which is curious about the world.

Historia pewnego bloku z miasta M (The Story of a Block from the City of M.), reż Agnieszka Boksa
Historia pewnego bloku z miasta M (The Story of a Block from the City of M.), reż Agnieszka Boksa, Polska 2022, 6 min. (A)

Plot: This film is an animation created as a protest against war. It is a result of despair concerning the things we look at. It has been made because there is still hope.

Jak mam…? (How am I…?), reż. Maciej Książko
Jak mam…? (How am I…?), reż. Maciej Książko, Polska 2022, 6 min. (A)

Plot: The film tells a story of two friends communicating by thoughts. One of them faces a tough challenge. He is asked to do something he does not know how to deal with.

Jestem życie (I am Life), reż. Filip Przepiórski
Jestem życie (I am Life), reż. Filip Przepiórski, Polska 2022, 9 min. (A)

Plot: Life is in all things; personified as an unassuming yet enchanting creature, life visits flowers, animals, and humans with its gifts of energy and positivity.

Niepokonany (Invincible), reż. Karolina Mróz, Mariusz Niewiarowski
Niepokonany (Invincible), reż. Karolina Mróz, Mariusz Niewiarowski, Polska 2022, 10 min. (A)

Plot: The film „Invincible” is based on a fragment of a life story of one of the participants „WTZ" in Olecko. It presents moments from the protagonist's life which significantly influence his current perception of the world and his attitude to life.

Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna (Interview), reż. Dariusz Janiczak
Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna (Interview), reż. Dariusz Janiczak, Polska 2022, 10 min
Plot: The film is a metaphor of the situation of people with disabilities who have to fight for their place in a society every day.


Cyrano, reż. Joe Wright
Cyrano, reż. Joe Wright, USA, Wielka Brytania, Kanada 2021, 124 min. (F)

Plot: Cyrano de Bergerac dazzles, whether with ferocious wordplay at a verbal joust or with brilliant swordplay in a duel. But, convinced that his appearance renders him unworthy of the love of a devoted friend, the luminous Roxanne, Cyrano has yet to declare his feelings for her — and Roxanne falls in love, at first sight, with Christian.

Jestem Greta (I am Greta), reż. Nathan Grossman
Jestem Greta (I am Greta), reż. Nathan Grossman, Szwecja 2020, 98 min. (D)

Plot: The documentary follows Greta Thunberg, a teenage climate activist from Sweden, on her international crusade to get people to listen to scientists about the world's environmental problems.

Księgarnia w Paryżu (A Bookshop in Paris), reż. Sergio Castellitto
Księgarnia w Paryżu (A Bookshop in Paris), reż. Sergio Castellitto, Włochy/Francja 2021, 90 min.

Plot: Castellitto stars in the film as an antiquarian bookseller living in Paris whose life revolves around his love for rare books and his paraplegic daughter. But his life changes when he meets an exuberant young woman.

Sonata, reż. Bartosz Blaschke
Sonata, reż. Bartosz Blaschke, Polska 2021, 118 min. (F)

Plot: A moving, authentic story of musician Grzegorz Płonka who at the age of 14 was diagnosed with a hearing loss not autism as it had been thought earlier. It shows an incredible journey, burdened with a huge effort and great struggle to achieve the impossible.

Superbohaterowie (Superheroes), reż. Paolo Genovese
Superbohaterowie (Superheroes), reż. Paolo Genovese, Włochy 2021, 122 min.

Plot: The story of a young couple who falls in love and struggles to keep its relationship alive going through tenderness and fights, lies and emotions, secrets and cheatings. A sentimental dramedy about couples and the effect of time passing on their relationships, posing a simple but profound question: what superpowers do you need to have, to love each other your whole life?

Wszystko poszło dobrze (Everything Went Fine), reżyseria François Ozon
Wszystko poszło dobrze (Everything Went Fine), reżyseria François Ozon, Francja 2021, 110 min.

Plot: When André, 85, has a stroke, Emmanuelle hurries to her father’s bedside. Sick and half-paralysed in his hospital bed, he asks Emmanuelle to help him end his life. But can you honour such a request from your own father?