EFF Integration You and Me in cinemas in Poland

Daida wraca do oceanu (Daida Back to The Ocean), reż. Pablo Ramírez Bolaños, Hiszpania 2022, 24 min. (D)

Daida Ruano Moreno, 18 times World Champion, tells her fight against her most difficult rival: cancer that almost took away not only her life, but her most personal and intimate dream...

Jeszcze zdążę (The Time Busters), reż. Aleksandra Kutz, Polska 2020, 61 min. (D)

Anna, Urszula, Hanna, Krzysztof, Genowefa and Józef are all patients of the Puck Hospice.

This story contains remorse, anger, fear, but also relief, and a surprising experience of finding the true freedom within.

Na wstrzymanym oddechu (Holding Your Breath), reż. Katarzyna Sikorska, Polska 2021, 14 min. (D)

Wojtek is an S11 class swimmer, a Paralympic silver medalist, and European and World Champion. He was meant to be the first blind freediver in Poland. However, the pandemic prevents him from finishing his course in single breath diving and competing in the Olympics and other championships. This makes him reconsider his carrier in sports.

Ściany życia (Walls Of Life), reż. Zoran Djordjević, Brazylia 2021, 15 min. (D)

Fragments of Marcos Santos’ life, an artist who was born with cerebral palsy. His hands are disabled due to several articulation issues, which made him use his left foot to create artistic masterpieces and teach the children from his poor and stigmatized neighborhood, Campos dos Alemães, how to paint and bring art to the grey walls of the streets.

Dzieci i ryby (Out of Water), reż. Gracjana Piechula, Polska 2022, 14 min. (F)

Zosia is a 13-year-old CODA – a hearing child of deaf adults. Together with her dad she sets off to fight for her dream swimming competition, in which due to her father's oversight she is not allowed to participate. Along the way, they encounter complications that put Zosia in the role of an interpreter and intermediary between her deaf father and the rest of the world. Having a voice starts to be not only a privilege for the girl, but also a burden.

Stagnant, reż. Konrad Kultys, Polska 2021, 18.min. (F)

Tough skinhead Adam ignores his disability, despite it he tries to dominate his loved ones. A decision of his caring brother to change jobs pushes Adam to reconsider his situation and face his own limitations.

Wyzwanie (Curlstorm), reż. Merle Thelen, Niemcy 2021, 29 min. (F)

When an event tears us out of our lives, we often find refuge in things that give us safety. This is how the pensioner Ernst Hudeki, "paralyzed" by the sudden death of his wife and trapped in monotony and neurotic habits, has found his safe place. Driven by the fear of not being able to say goodbye to his loved ones, he spends all his hours writing down farewell words. But sometimes a way out opens up exactly where we least expect it.