
Verdict of the Jury of 17th European Film Festival Integration You and Me

 Jury's Protocol
of the 17th European Film Festival 'Integration You and Me' Koszalin 2020
from 6th November 2020

Jury members:
Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak – chair person
Eugeniusz Gordziejuk
Kuba Czekaj
Mariusz Trzeciakiewicz

after having watched films taking part in a feature film (12 films), documentary film (14 films) and amateur film (6 films) contest, unanimously gave the Main Awards – Butterflies 2020 and distinctions:

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  • Butterfly 2020 in an amateur film category has gone to 'The Task' by Dariusz Janiczak for distance and a sense of humour when presenting the process of maturation to independence of people with disabilities.
  • A distinction in an amateur film category has gone to 'Once Upon A Time in Chorzów' by Sylwia Pradelok-Świerc and Paweł Mikołajczyk for their great contribution and common effort when organising a venture with the participation of many people who have been able to create a coherent and full film.
  • A distinction in an amateur film category has gone to 'Stereo Monologue' by Mariusz Wieliczko for modesty and crystal cleanness when presenting the topic.


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  • Butterfly 2020 in a documentary film category has gone to 'I Need the Handshakes' by Andrej Kucila for a beaming light from the film, the presentation of a deep relationship of the characters and a mystery overwhelming the audience.
  • A distinction in a documentary film category has gone to 'What Happens Tomorrow' by Anastasia Shtandke for presenting the inner self of a sportswoman in a delicate and moving way.
  • A distinction in a documentary film category has gone to 'Moving' by Omer Ben David for a universal story about friendship and entering adulthood.
  • A distinction in a documentary film category has gone to 'Maricarmen' by Sergio Morkin for an intimate sphere of the film, wonderful photos, making an impression that the main character of the film has invited us to her everyday life.


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  • Butterfly 2020 in a feature film category has gone to 'The Dress' by Tadeusz Łysiak for a difficult subject of the need of love which has been shown in a subtle and universal way making the film fulfilled in all respects.
  • A distinction in a feature film category has gone to actress Anna Dzieduszycka for her role in 'The Dress', for her great courage and professionalism.
  • A distinction in a feature film category has gone to actor Tommy Jessop for his role in 'Innocence' by Ben Reid for his natural acting, presenting his acting talent and multicolour of his character.


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  • Butterfly 2020 Special Award of the Rector of Koszalin University of Technology has gone to 'Life, Take 2' by Krzysztof Włostowski for his creative and personal courage when presenting his own experiences and for making a good film with the use of minimal tools.


Na grze

  • The Audience Award Butterfly 2020 has gone to 'On the Top Tyrryry' by Renata Kijowska.

Butterfly 2020 in a feature film category has gone to 'The Dress' by Tadeusz Łysiak for a difficult subject of the need of love which has been shown in a subtle and universal way making the film fulfilled in all respects.
A distinction in a feature film category has gone to actress Anna Dzieduszycka for her role in 'The Dress', for her great courage and professionalism.
A distinction in a feature film category has gone to actor Tommy Jessop for his role in 'Innocence' by Ben Reid for his natural acting, presenting his acting talent and multicolour of his character.