

 Jury's protocol of

15th European Film Festival 'Integration You and Me'

Koszalin 2018

from 8th September 2018


Jury members:

Łukasz Maciejewski – chairman

Urszula Grabowska

Małgorzata Zajączkowska

Tomasz Karcz

Sebastian Stankiewicz


After having watched 34 films taking part in the contest for the best feature film (12 films), documentary film (15 films) and amateur film (7 films) the jury unanimously awarded the Main Prizes – Butterflies 2018 and distinctions:


Kontrasty kulisy spektaklu m

Butterfly 2018 in an amateur film category for 'Contrasts-Backstage' by Sylwia Pradelok-Świerc for fervency and empathy while creating art which becomes a realisation of a dream among people with disabilities



Downside Up m

Butterfly 2018 in a feature film category for a Belgian film 'Downside Up' by Peter Ghesquiere for turning a term of normality upside down and showing that integration knows no divisions



Niebo bez gwiazd m

The first special distinction in a documentary film category for 'A Sky Without Stars' by Katarzyna Dąbkowska-Kułacz for showing that stars on the sky really exist – also for those who seemingly can't see them…


Być jak Brad Pitt m


The second special distinction in a documentary film category for an Israeli production 'Copy Brad Pitt' by Ariela Alush for smoothing out barriers between seeing a character by himself and a stereotypical perception of the surrounding.



Przerwana misja m

Butterfly 2018 in a documentary film category for 'Aborted Mission' by Petro Aleksowski for a delicate, perfectly made and told story of a dramatic past which determines the presence and for showing that 'aborted mission' still lasts – in the characters' families and in the viewers' hearts.