


The jury's protocol of
14th European Film Festival
Integration You and Me
Koszalin 2017
from 9th September 2017

Jury members:
Marcin Koszałka – chairman
Anna Jadowska
Marek Bukowski
Anna Duda-Gocel
Paulina Malinowska- Kowalczyk

after having watched films participating in the contest for the best feature film (8 films), documentary film (20 films) and amateur film (8 films) unanimously awarded the Main Prizes – Butterflies 2017 and distinctions:


Distinction in an amateur film category for film 'Important' /Ważne/ for energy which constitutes a film value.



Butterfly 2017 for the best amateur film for film 'Whitney's Wedding' /Ślub Whitney/ for a surprising twist and the creation of fantastic and autoironic characters.



Distinction in a documentary film category for film 'Communion' /Komunia/ for creating an intimate relation of the hero and the viewer.



Distinction in a documentary film category goes to film 'Fortunately' /Na szczęście/ for passion which can fix the world.



Distinction in a documentary film category for film 'By Stanley for Stanley'/Film dla Stasia/ – for small Stanley and his parents so that his life is easier.



Butterfly 2017 for the best documentary for film 'Gleason' for an arresting, real film testimony



Distinction in a feature film category for film '24 weeks' /24 tygodnie/ for sincerity in presenting a taboo topic.



Distinction in a feature film category goes to film 'Like Crazy'/Zwariować ze szczęścia/ for distance and humour while taking up a serious matter.



Butterfly 2017 for the best feature film for film 'Me and My Father' /Ja i mój tata/ for an intimate portrait of a father and a son.



The audience prize goes to film 'What Colour is Love?' /Jakiego koloru jest miłość?/